Monday, April 26, 2010

Back of paper

I think that I would be a pretty good technical and/or professional writer. I think that this class has given me more of the skills that I need in order to succeed in this field. I think that the technology is still going to be a challenge but that I should be able to overcome it in order to write properly and professionally.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chapter 12

I really enjoyed reading about all of the different navigational tools that this chapter offered. It was nice to be able to learn about the different ways that websites are directed towards us. I enjoyed learning about the vertical and horizontal websites. I guess I never put very much thought into the types and qualities of websites that I was visiting. This definetly gave me some great ideas for the site that I will be making for this class!

Friday, February 26, 2010


I actually really enjoyed this chapter. I am not exactly technology friendly and the step by step instructions the online stuff was great. Also, it gave me a good refresher course from the Editing class that I took last semester to remind me of what roles the writer actually has. For some reason, a lot of young writers tend to think that the writer does everything from the outlining to the final publication, and it's good to remind them that their role is not quite that extensive. Overall, think that this may have been one of the more important chapters that we have read this semester, as it CLEARLY defines what we will be doing after we (finally) graduate college.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Your Blogs

Stef, I missed reading your blogs for the past 2 weeks now. i hope to hear your voice by next week. thanks--


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chapter 3

This chapter terrified me. I am so computer illiterate and words like "flow chart" and "database" were horrifying me. Even after reading the chapter, I am still not exactly confident in my ability to grasp all of these contacts. It was interesting to learn all of the different levels that a writer can get, ranging from a simple content writer to a project manager. I guess I never really thought that the person writing content could actually manage the project as well. For some reason, in my mind, a project manager was someone who had a business degree and not an English degree. It's refreshing (and a bit scary) to know that, as a person with an English degree, I will have a lot of room to advance in my career, should I decide to work with websites or technical writing in any way.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Chapter One

I know that for a lot of people this chapter was probably a great deal of review, though for me it did have quite a bit of information that I had never really taken into consideration before. The chapter has made me more critical of the websites that I view on a daily basis. It also set motions in place for deciding how I will create my own website for this class, and the types of information that I will put on it. I liked that the chapter pointed out how important consistancy is; for example using either all buttons or all menus. I think that small things like this are things that most people never consider when thinking about a webpage, though this chapter shows how vitally important it actually is.